Privacy Policy

At FK Retro, safeguarding your privacy is of paramount importance to us. As part of our regular business operations, we gather personal information from our customers. To elucidate our approach towards collecting, utilizing, and disclosing your personal information, we have formulated this Privacy Policy.

This Privacy Policy is pertinent to our FK Retro online platforms, and any other channels owned or managed by FK Retro that facilitate the sale of products or services.

In circumstances where you furnish us with personal information to finalize a transaction, initiate a pre-order, furnish feedback, make an inquiry, or process a return, we presume your consent for the acquisition of your personal information, restricted to the specified purpose.

Should we seek your personal information for ancillary reasons, such as contests, we will either directly request your consent or afford you the opportunity to decline. Upon acceptance of an offer extended by any of our third-party marketing affiliates, we will divulge pertinent personal information, encompassing name and address, to the concerned third party, in alignment with the conditions stipulated in the offer.

Explicit and Implicit Consent - Your express consent might be sought, for instance, by indicating your agreement to receive marketing communications through checkbox selection or by appending your signature to indicate your acceptance of the terms governing the use and dissemination of information as presented in an application form. On other occasions, subject to the permissibility conferred by relevant laws, your implicit consent may be inferred when it can be reasonably deduced that you have granted consent through an action taken or abstained from. This typically transpires when the purpose for employing your personal information would logically be evident to you or serves as a natural extension of a purpose for which you have furnished your explicit consent.

Modifying or Retracting Consent - You hold the prerogative to communicate your desire to withdraw or modify your consent pertaining to our use and disclosure of your information. Once we receive such a notification, we will adhere to your request, taking into account legal and contractual constraints linked to your transactions, while also preserving any entitlements and remedies at our disposal, along with preserving any pertinent evidence.

For those who have chosen to "opt in" or subscribe to our newsletters or mailing lists, we consistently offer the option to "opt out" or unsubscribe. Each e-newsletter dispatched by us provides a link or alternative method for unsubscribing or declining future e-newsletters.

Your decision to furnish us with your personal information implies your consent to the utilization, disclosure, and retention of said information in accordance with the terms delineated in this Privacy Policy, as well as any further terms that may be provided during or prior to the information collection process.


Yours Truly

The FK Retro Team