Our Story

Once born from the depths of humble origins, a modest assemblage of games and memorabilia ignited our journey. Yet, from this embryonic genesis, emerged an extraordinary tale of metamorphosis, where each fragment surrendered its individuality to coalesce into an unstoppable force of expansion. Our trajectory was not linear; it was exponential, an ascension governed by cosmic forces unseen.

In a realm where commerce often thrives upon the unsuspecting, we chose a different path—an avenue of enlightenment and guardianship. A luminous beacon was cast forth, our oath etched in the stars: to furnish our cherished patrons with nothing short of authenticity. We assume the mantle of trust, vowing that every game entrusted to our care can be summoned to life anew. A symphony of history and innovation, where the melody of authenticity is intertwined with the cadence of reliability.

Our devotion extends to the sacred traditions of the Original Equipment Manufacturer, an homage to the roots that anchored the past. Systems, aged by the passage of epochs, are cradled in the arms of our artisans, their skilled hands invoking renaissance. A symposium of time and technology, we breathe vitality into antiquity, for we are the architects of rejuvenation. Through meticulous craftsmanship, we transmute the old into the new, infusing venerable relics with the vigour of innovation.

Boundless are the realms of desire, and we, the architects of fulfillment, vow to scale the pinnacles of possibility. With a tapestry woven from our unyielding commitment, we pledge to traverse the thresholds of aspiration. Beneath the cosmic embrace, we marshal the cosmos themselves to ensure that your dreams are captured and woven into the fabric of reality.

In the sanctum of FK, the fires of excellence smolder and blaze, undulating in the crucible of mastery. Our artisans are no mere mortals; they are alchemists of ingenuity, forging creations that transcend the mundane. For within these hallowed walls, we harbor no appetite for mediocrity. We nurture the seeds of greatness, expecting nothing short of brilliance to sprout forth.

So step into the embrace of our saga, where history, mystique, and innovation converge in an eternal dance. We are not just a destination; we are a constellation, a constellation that promises to guide you through the labyrinth of your desires. From the humble origins to the grand tapestry of now, our story is a testament to the boundless potential of human endeavor.


Give us the Short n' Skinny

From modest origins, a remarkable transformation has taken place. What began as a small collection of games and memorabilia has grown beyond imagination. In a world where some exploit customer trust, we've taken a different route. Our commitment is simple: to provide you with genuine games you can trust, ready for instant enjoyment. We're all about staying true to the original while also reviving old systems and infusing them with new technology if that's what you're interested in.

No matter your desires, we're here to bring them to life. Our focus is unwavering quality, and we wholeheartedly stand by our offerings. At FK, excellence is our standard, upheld by every member of our dedicated team.


All in All. We are a bunch of nerds, and we are here for YOU.